Sound Therapy and Reiki, Brainspotting, Sound Baths, Workshops
Melissa Grogan, LPC-Associate, MFA, MA (supervised by Sarah Osmer, LPC-S)
“I am so grateful for markedly feeling better now.
It is a strong contrast to how I felt the many months before my remote session with you.”
– Quotes from Clients
Sound Healing, Reiki,Pranic Healing, and Somatic Integration

Single Session - $140
This includes a one hour treatment and time before and after the session for check-in.
Gift Certificates Available!
Sound therapy is effective in providing relief from anxiety, stress, depression, muscular pain, complications from chemotherapy, recovery from surgery, symptoms of PTSD, burnout, postpartum depression, exhaustion, and more.
You receive energy work while laying on a BioMat – infrared technology that brings better blood flow, better sleep, relieves sore muscles, and deep rest.
*If interested in individual or couples psychotherapy/counseling please contact me here for a free initial consultation.

Sound Therapy, Somatic Integration, Brainspotting and/or Voice Work Combo Sessions

Combination Brainspotting and Sound Therapy Session - One and a Half Hour - $180
Back to back sound therapy and brainspotting sessions. Get support to process through challenging emotions with an attuned practitioner using Brainspotting (similar to EMDR). Then integrate while receiving sound treatment and reiki. Intended to support your journey for self growth and awareness.
Combination Voice and Sound Therapy Session - Two Hours - $270
Back to back sound therapy and voice work sessions. Sound heals. Gain a new relationship to sound and its ability to help find our way back to wholeness. Connect to the incredible power of sound – inside and out.
Monthly Full Moon Sound Baths
February 13th Sound Bath - sliding scale $20 - $35
Join us on February 13th for a Full Moon Sound Bath.
7:45 – 9pm at Studio Satya on West Anderson Lane in Austin, Tx.
**For Sliding Scale – Use Codes 15OFF ($20 admission), 10OFF ($25 admission), or 5OFF ($30 admission)
Join us for an evening of acoustic sound scapes, relaxing movement, reiki, guided imagery, and deep rest. Let your body’s natural healing systems reset while being surrounded by the sounds of drum, flute, crystal bowls, and chimes. A truly transcendent experience!
A collaboration with musician Jason Traweek and Melissa, two shamanic practitioners adept at creating a space where you can reconnect to peace, ease, and groundedness. The full moon offers opportunity to come back into balance with the natural rhythms of life. We will sit in the space of the heart and allow the head, heart, and mind to come into alignment.
A beautiful tradition to add to your monthly calendar.
artwork by Martin Bridge

Therapeutic Workshops for the Whole Self
DreamWork and Freeing the Natural Voice
Melissa Grogan, LPC-Associate, MFA, MA (supervised by Sarah Osmer, LPC-S)
Freeing the Natural Voice uses techniques of somatic psychology, voice, and movement to alleviate anxiety, depression and effects of trauma. We’ll use breath work and parts work combined with simple exercises to regulate the nervous system. Find out more here.
DreamWork series focuses on methods developed by leaders in depth psychology (Jung, etc.) to compassionately gain more insight in the beliefs and perspectives that influence the way we show up in the world and in relationship. Find out more here.
**If interested in individual or couples psychotherapy/counseling please contact me through this link for a free initial consultation.
Reiki Certification Classes
Training available for Reiki I, II, Master, and Master Teacher
Reiki I – $200
Receive attunements to run Reiki energy, clearing and healing meditations, learn self Reiki and hand placements for full treatments.
Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday 10am – 1:30pm.
**Contact me directly to arrange a class
Reiki II – $300
Receive attunements for Second Degree Reiki, learn symbols to give Reiki treatments, and techniques for absentee (distance) healing.
Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday 10am – 1:30pm.
**Contact me directly to arrange a class
Reiki Master – $400
Receive attunement for Reiki Master, learn master symbol
Friday evening, Saturday 10am – 3pm
Reiki Master Teacher – $525
Attunement procedures for each level, practice all attunements, learn what to teach at each level
Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday 10am – 2pm
Group Sound Baths
Using crystal and himalayan bowls, chimes, a gong, drum, voice, reiki, and pranic healing I create a relaxing soundscape in which your group can find ease and grounding.
Group meditations typically last one (1) to one and a half (1 1/2) hours.
Schedule a Sound Healing Meditation for your Group
Group Sound Bath Meditation Rate –
$500 for up to 10 participants
$700 for up to 20 participants
**rate includes travel up to 15 miles from downtown Austin
No Refunds, All Sales Final
You have four months from date of purchase to use all sessions
Melissa Grogan, LPC-Associate (supervised by Sarah Osmer) is a therapist and voice, movement, and sound therapy expert with 25 years experience in practice and study of the healing effects of sound. In addition to being a provisionally licensed therapist (supervised by Sarah Osmer, LPC-S), she is a certified Sound Healing Therapist, Reiki Master Teacher, Pranic Healer, has her Yoga Teacher certification (200 hr), Meditation Teacher Certification (300 hr), is an Associate Teacher of Fitzmaurice Voicework, has studied Knight-Thompson Speechwork, Presence with Patsy Rodenburg, and Somatic Experiencing at the Body-Mind Centering Institute and with Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen and with Mark Taylor. She is currently pursuing a certificate as a Somatic Movement Educator. She holds public and private group sound meditations in Austin, Texas and offers individual sessions for sound therapy.
Client Testimonials
“Melissa is an incredibly intuitive healer. Even while working remotely, she exhibited such care and competence in her work, and I was able to feel the benefits of our session while working and for quite a while afterwards.” ~Jacqueline Springfield, MFA Voice and Speech Professor
“Melissa has an innate ability to help guide you toward your own healing. I highly recommend working with her.” – Director, Producer, Voice Professor
“In one session I came in with enormous anger. I had almost cancelled thinking it might be pointless. However, I trusted Melissa and the process. After the session I felt such enormous peace and forgiveness that I was able to take constructive action. I highly recommend Melissa. ” ~Pat Stone, MFA – Retired Modern Dance Professor
“After my remote session with you, I am markedly feeling better emotionally, physically, mentally… lighter, gently flowing. The obsessive thoughts less. Those thoughts that come are different; forward looking rather than backward looking. Thank you for your willingness to schedule a session so quickly after connecting. I am so grateful for the experience and the shift.” ~Dance Scholar
“I have worked with Melissa for over three years, working in private, group, and remote sessions. Melissa has helped me recover from emotional scars from the past and steers each session to what I need the most at that time. I am fortunate to have Melissa as a guide and healer.” ~Kevin Simpson-Schroeder – Business Analyst