Mindfulness Based Somatic Therapy

What to Expect in a Session

Mindfulness Based Somatic Therapy is for you if: You are interested in working deeply using techniques outside of the typical talk therapy box. You are open to including body awareness, breath work, sound, movement, and mindful awareness of thoughts/emotions/beliefs and their effect on you in sessions.  You want to break through patterns that keep you stuck and know yourself deeply. Let’s find creative ways to find solutions.

Voice means identity and also the sound we hear when we speak. Voice work and therapy go hand in hand because it helps us connect to our breath in a way that allows anxiety to be relieved, for us to connect to difficult emotions in a way that is grounding and cathartic, and get back in touch with ourselves the way we were before we started making ourselves small/less expressive.


Trauma-Informed Voice Work

  • A voice that is embodied and responsive to your environment
  • Healthy vocal support
  • Increase power and resonance OR Softening to be heard and understood
  • Techniques for clear and intentional communication
  • Somatic and Kinesthetic exploration (Body and Experience)
  • Manage and/or free your breath
  • Cultivate a healthy relationship with sound


  • Connect to, and experience, the world around you
  • Become comfortable with being seen and heard while allowing that for others, too
  • Clear communication – your message lands
  • Practical techniques to come back to the moment
  • Speak from an authentic place
  • Open yourself in a way that invites others to do the same
  • Learn how to resource when unsure of your surroundings
  • Techniques to build and maintain healthy boundaries


Body-Mind Centering (BMC)

  • Somatic Experiencing techniques developed by Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen
  • Anatomical, physiological, psychophysical, and developmental practice
  • Embodiment and integration of voice and movement
  • Somatic work that re-patterns habitual muscular use, breath, use of vocal support, and presence

Find out more about it here: www.bodymindcentering.com

     Sound Therapy

  • Practice found throughout the world from ancient to modern times
  • Ambient sound brings the parasympathetic nervous system online
  • Direct sound application eases muscular aches, tension, etc.
  • Not a medical treatment, it aids in recovery from surgery, effects from chemotherapy, and more

Fitzmaurice Voicework

  • Developed by Catherine Fitzmaurice
  • Holistic approach to voicework
  • Destructuring – relaeases chronically held muscular tension inhibiting the breath.
  • Restructuring – a new way of supporting the breath
  • Clear, healthy, resonant, instinctual sound

Find out more about it here: www.fitzmauricevoice.com


  • Developed in Japan – lineage of Master Usui
  • Certified Reiki Master Teacher of Usui Reiki
  • Energy work that can be done remotely or in-person
  • Produces a sense of comfort, ease, groundedness, and feeling light
  • Excellent for anyone – therapeutic in nature

Presence/Second Circle

  • Developed by Patsy Rodenburg
  • Deeper connection to yourself, people and your environment
  • Allows effective communication
  • Feel that your message is received
  • Know what it is to be seen and heard
  • Effortless power in presence
  • Positive communication skills
  • Noticeable and lasting results

     Pranic Healing

  • As taught by Master Stephen Co
  • System of Energy work that can be done remotely or in person
  • Excellent for clearing old mental, physical, and emotional energy

Knight-Thompson Speechwork

  • Developed by Dudley Knight and Phil Thompson
  • Experiential, practical, and anatomically sound practices
  • Develop an awareness of the whole vocal tract
  • Manipulate the vocal tract
  • Make any sound in human possibility safely, precisely, and fluidly
  • Quickly and effectively pick up an accent

Find out more about it here: ktspeechwork.com

I am certified as both a yoga and a meditation teacher and I utilize those practices in my work. I am also a Licensed Professional Counselor – Associate (supervised by Sarah Osmer, LPC-S). The work I do as an energy worker and coach is not therapy but it is therapeutic and my work as a therapist informs my work as a coach and vice-versa.